"Window of Opportunity"

Sunday, February 13, 2011 Heba Moeen 6 Comments

Three credit hours you must attend,
the window of opportunity awaits you.
Study, but if you can't pretend,
this window is made for you, few!
Each class has a set of two,
have mercy on the teacher who has had enough of you!
Huge classes must witness splits,
for, the week becomes short of days ...
... but the window of opportunity is a test of your wits!
Marketing has taught you a lot,
apply an extension to this definition you have got!
It leads three stories down,
for a flight, so heavenly ...
... that would lead to a completely new town,
with this even your angels might agree!
With backbenchers differentiated shopping discussions,
these two (windows) were made for resulting repercussions!
Escape which you must ...
... for, ashes are for ashes and credit hour dust is for dust!

Disclaimer: At some point in time we get stuck in this 'Window of Opportunity' situation when we are forced to study an elective we don't want to, for example, Marketing majors are made to study a Finance  and HR elective while Finance majors too have to study Marketing ... Thus, this window seems to be the right escaping route ...

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  1. LOL Hiba now i know what you were upto in the Sunday ODEM class =P hahhahaha
    Sadia here =D

  2. Sadia!

    Honestly and seriously ... I wrote this entire thing in the Organisational Development class!
    Just wanted to avail this window of opportunity ... =D

  3. I knew it!! =| lol

  4. I am quite sure they will learn lots of new stuff here than anybody else!

  5. Thanks for dropping by Huck and Kashif ... :)
