"How I got an F"

Friday, October 16, 2009 Heba Moeen 0 Comments

Confession of a BBA Student
How I got an ‘F’

I live my life off others,
for work and studies . . .
We attend school at the insistence of mothers;
and waste time with buddies.
Hence, it is the story of my grade ‘F’,
as class lectures land on my ears so deaf.
Yet PowerPoint slides come to my rescue,
as studying from the book is the demand of a few.
I am thus a parrot of such learning,
time sensitive studies result in my grade earning.
But ouch! There exist some teachers, who go by the book,
all they do is treat chill programs with their crook.
Alas! They set up marks for class participation,
but dozing off in class is my stance for competition.
Exceeding absence limit is my charm,
and approaching the coordinator shall bring no harm.
Hey! I know I’m cool,
I realized not . . .
until the disapproval proved me an ‘ignorant fool’,
Now I’m a ‘good’ so unsought.
There comes a time of the term report blast,
when I seek ‘copy-paste’ opportunities so vast.
My teacher’s short of time,
thus, for another course I can happily last (assumption).
I realized not . . .
until I saw my name on crimson background,
Now ‘Ctrl + V’ haunts me like a crazy hound.
I was a chilled plagiarism plague,
but my teacher’s slow watch was so vague.
He had the time to read my report,
and drag me to that ‘F’ port.
Product line extensions I have applied,
to my degree I pursue with gleeful pride.
This my friends is the ‘F’,
for which I had to be blind, sleepy and deaf. :)

Hiba Moeen

Disclaimer: This is a general reason why some of us get an ‘F’. Thankfully, it does not apply to me though. :)

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