Photography Tips by Ali Khataw - Day 4

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 Heba Moeen 0 Comments

Guest Post by Ali Khataw


"Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see it." - Elliot Erwitt.

I hope we all agree to this because over the years of adapting to photography as a passion this is what I have become a staunch believer of.

Question 4/ Day 4 - Are there patterns, lines, shapes and details?


Don't always look for "nice". Average photographers imitate beauty. Great photographers create their own. 

One can consider composition as arranging the elements within an image. Arranging elements can be done by actually moving the objects or subjects within the frame. This can easily be done by moving the subject or moving the camera to create an aesthetic layout within the frame - by frame I mean the four boundaries of the image. Composition is a way of guiding the viewer’s eye towards the most important elements of your work, sometimes in a very specific order. 

A good composition can help make a masterpiece even out of the dullest objects and subjects in the plainest of environments. On the other hand, a bad composition can ruin a photograph completely, despite how interesting the subject may be.
There are many rules for composition but the one most utilized that creates a good pleasing effect is the “Rule of Thirds”.

The rule of thirds is one of the most basic composition technique in photography, making use of a natural tendency for the human eye to be drawn toward certain parts of an image. As a photographer, it is your way of making sure the viewers focus on what you want them to. The rule of thirds is an imaginary tic-tac-toe board that is drawn across an image to break it into nine equal squares. The four points where these lines intersect are the strongest focal points and that is where one should place the subject of interest (Most cameras have this option available in the viewfinder).

The image below of a Bee-eater was made in Botswana. I saw a pair of Bee-eaters sitting on a branch and what got me curious was that each one would fly away and come back with an insect in their mouth. Interestingly, they would perch at exactly the same location of the branch. I had my lens ready on a monopod and I began my composition. Just as I mentioned above, I used the Rule of Thirds to compose the image. Then it was a waiting game to see how clear and visible were the insects in the beak. Finally, the opportunity appeared where the Bee-eater returned with a large dragonfly in its beak. I pressed the shutter in burst mode and got the frame that you see below. I believe the image hits all three points - 

Composition, Light and Moment!

Camera: Canon 1D-X
Lens: Canon 200-400mm F4L
Aperture: f5.6
Shutter: 1/1000
ISO: 800

Hope you found this helpful! Stay tuned for tomorrow when we will discuss “LEADING LINES"
If you found this helpful then please "LIKE" my FB page: Ali Khataw's Photography

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