I set myself free

Sunday, August 14, 2016 Heba Moeen 4 Comments

My definition of freedom is being free at an individual level; from yourself also at times, from over thinking, from accepting what comes your way and also from accepting people for who they are, their opinions and their thoughts. Most importantly, being able to say 'NO' when it's needed and prioritising yourself first is the biggest form of freedom because self respect is of utmost importance that must take precedence over everything else. Here I was, penning down my thoughts:


I set myself free from the turbulence within my soul
and the endless thoughts in my mind!

I set myself free ...
From considering others before me,
And from letting them invade my emotional territory!

I set myself free ...
From saying yes to all nonsense
And from letting others use me!

I set myself free ...
By saying no and having the courage to disagree ...

I set myself free ...
By questioning judgements
and accepting diverse opinions ...

Flying was never this easy
Until I set myself free from the shackles of my own thoughts!

Above all, I set myself free from giving a damn!

(I had chocolate and I really did set myself free)

And then this fine Sunday, my pet bird, Kotlet decided to have fun, becoming a model in front on the camera! 


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  1. It is beautiful, I loved these lines most;

    I set myself free ...
    By saying no and having the courage to disagree ...


    1. Thanks for your appreciation ... these words struck my head at 1:30 am one fine morning. :)

  2. Love Kotler lol. Also, loving the template, looks great (Y)

    1. Hey, thanks for dropping by. Yup, Kotler has been feeling confident with his new plumage ... it took about two years for him to started getting his feathers back.
